I personally want to welcome you to this ezine designed to help you get from where you are to where you want to be and to enjoy the trip! There are many different paths we can all take and with a good road map, we might make our trip easier. These WEEKLY insights, resources and tips are here to help you do just that.

Want to see a sample issue? It's below.

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Comments on this ezine are always welcome. Is there anything I can help you with? Was there something that touched your heart in a special way? Feel free to write to me - I do read my email. All that I ask from you (so I don't miss your email) is to put the following in the subject line: That Optimal Results Thing! I look forward to sharing with YOU!


That Optimal Results Thing  

Premiere Issue                    November 14, 2002  



I personally want to welcome you to this first ezine 
full of helpful info to support your personal and 
professional growth.  You'll hear from me weekly with 
similar insights, resources and tidbits.   

Do you have a comment on this ezine? Is there 
something not quite right in your life that I might 
be able to help with? Did something I say touch a 
nerve with you? Feel free to write to me - I do read 
all of my mail. I look forward to sharing with YOU!  

Wishing You the Very Best!  

Sandy Karn  


That Optimal Results Tip  

Your Perception is Your Reality. Inside that truth 
lies a lot of opportunity to take stock of your 
perceptions. For example, if your perception is off 
for any reason, then your reality is going to be off.    

So, what happens when your reality is "off"?  Does 
that lead you to your Optimal Results?  I don't think 

Conclusion: Everyday in the areas of your life you 
feel are not working the way you would like, take 
a reality check.  Take an ongoing objective look at 
your perceptions relating to those areas. Get honest 
feedback from people who are willing to tell you the 
truth. Are your perceptions really on the mark?  If 
they aren't, readjust and see what happens.  There in 
lies your Optimal Results.  


Take my WINNER's PROFILE!   




Have you ever watched gymnastics on TV?  

In order to succeed and stay on the balance beam, 
a gymnast needs flexibility, strength, concentration 
and balance. In fact, without balance, the other three 
qualities will not be of much use.  

The same is true in our individual lives. Balance is 
essential for a healthy, productive and joyous life. 
This is often illustrated by picturing the 6-8 major 
areas of your life as equal segments of a wheel or tire. 
If a given segment is not given adequate attention, it 
becomes deflated, resulting in a "flat" tire 
guaranteeing many unnecessary bumps along the road
of life.  

I suggest you consider the following segments or areas 
of your Life:  

    Physical  (health, nutrition, fitness, etc.)  

    Mental  (education, reading, life-long learning, 

    Career  (current job or business, preparation for 
    future career, etc.)   

    Financial  (financial planning, earnings, investments,       
    budgeting, etc.)   

    Social  (casual relationships, community involvement, 
    Leisure (relaxation, entertainment, hobbies, etc.)   

    Family  (immediate family, intimate relationships, 
    Service (ways to give back to society)  

Although this metaphor can be quite useful, it tends to 
present a dangerous misconception as well. It suggests that 
each area of your life needs to get equal attention, i.e., 
equal amounts of your time, energy, resources, etc. This is 
simply not the case.  Look back at the balance beam analogy. 
The gymnast does not move each of her body parts equally to 
stay in balance. The key to success is to move each part 
just the right amount to maintain the balance she desires--
the position she wishes to hold.   

So, too, in our lives, each segment needs to have just the 
right amount of our attention, time, energy and resources to   
maintain the type of life or lifestyle we have chosen. The   
gymnast probably needs to pay more attention to health,   
nutrition and exercise than the accountant does. However if 
the accountant fails to pay adequate attention to these 
areas, he may be putting his life at risk. It is important 
to carefully determine the appropriate balance among the 
various segments of our lives and then to take steps to 
bring about and maintain that balance.     

Your goal:  

To recognize the need for balance in your life and to  
understand the relative importance of each segment in 
building and maintaining the life and lifestyle you 
personally desire.  

The result:  

You will be able to analyze your current life activities,  
discern the level of balance that is present in your life, 
and identify segments of your life that are out of balance. 
With these insights you can make future life choices to 
increase the overall balance in your life.  

Your assignment:  

Take time to consider each of the segments of your life 
listed above. Use both your logical analysis and your inner 
wisdom to determine whether or not each segment is receiving 
the attention it requires for you to be fully effective. 
Identify some reasonable steps you will take to increase the 
overall balance in your life by modifying your activities in 
at least one segment of your life.   


One of the best things I ever did in my life was learn how to 
communicate using the DiSC Concept. If I hadn't learned it, I 
would have never eliminated as much stress in my life by 
reducing conflict as I did. 

If I hadn't learned the DISC, I would not have the relationship 
I have to this day with my 2 kids. 

What's the DISC?  You can check it out by going to: 


It's good stuff. 


Optimal Results Achieved:  

"You helped me so much on that one message...and I'm using   
your focus on results sheets everyday. I mailed a big   
distributor packet to my new person yesterday. I'm going to   
use your "course" to stay on track."  

Ana Tampanna  


Copyright Notice/Reprint Policy   

This material is copyright protected and cannot be reproduced 
except in it's entirety. You can, however, forward it on (as long 
as it is not changed in any way) to anyone who can benefit 
from it.  


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Subscribe by sending an email to execdirector@profnet.org with   
the following in the Subject line:  

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If you want to leave, send an email to execdirector@profnet.org   
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