Monday, Apr 7 - 09:13 PM

Good things happen, and I appreciate those things. Not so good things happen, and I also appreciate them. From them, I learn my lessons that I am to learn, and that's a very good thing.

Tuesday, Apr 8 - 09:51 PM

I find that when I'm really paying attention to what's going on in my life, and not missing my important clues, I can learn a lot more. It helps me more, and I can accomplish more of my heart's desires when I do.

Wednesday, Apr 9 - 09:21 PM

I am learning how to let go of things that don't really matter. I find that to be so freeing, so I think I'll just keep on doing that. It helps me to stay focused on those things that really do matter to me, and to those I care about.

Friday, Apr 11 - 04:28 PM

I'm sorting out a lifetime of not seeing the truth in life's experiences. Traveling from hindsight to insights has been an exciting journey for me. Sometimes I feel like the first-graders starting school with only kindergarten as their base.

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